Shubham Singh(Director/Founder)

Shubham Singh, born in 1996, has started the Sparrow Recyclers in May 2021 as the Center’s Director and co-founder. He did his graduate work at the Department of computer science from one of the most reputed college in India and received his degree from there in 2018. After that he worked in various companies and gained much experience in the field of bio fuels and environmental friendly techniques of production. Now, he is applying his expertise in Sparrow Recyclers to make it one of the biggest company in the world.

"People are successful not necessarily because they work hard. They just do the right thing!!"

To carry on the business, whether within or outside India, of collection, segregation,transportation, trading, processing, composting, recycling, treatment and disposal of all types of waste (whether solid, liquid or gaseous substances) and including municipal solid waste, electronic waste (e waste), construction and demolition debris, bio-medical waste, hazardous waste, sewage, waste water etc undertake use, sale, marketing and/or distribution of all products and by-products that are generated in the process of treatment or disposal of waste and waste products (such as compost, energy and refuse derived fuel generated form waste to energy processes such as biomethanation etc methane gas from landfill, processing, electronic products suitable for re-use with or without re-furbishing paper, metals and other materials including chemicals obtained from treatment of wastes) and to develop, construct, operate and/or maintain/manage processing facilities for all types of waste and waste products including composting plants, landfills and sewages treatment plants, waste water treatment plants, incinerators, refuse derived field plants, electronic waste processing plants and to also undertake development, marketing, purchase, sale and/or trading of financial instruments that would enable the financing of waste collection, treatment or processing projects (including carbon emission receipts (CERS)) and any other related activities.

To promote own, acquire, construct, erect, maintain, improve, manage, operate, alter, carry on, control, take on lease, advise and render assistance in the construction erection and maintenance, improvement or working of any industry, company, venture and system or scheme in the area of collection, transportation, processing and disposal of municipal waste, electronic waste, bio medical waste, hazardous waste, sewage and waste water by processes such as composting, bio-methanation, aerobic/anaerobic treatment, waste to energy process including producing of refuse derived fuel and any other processes/technologies available and also take advantage of the benefits available under the Clean Development Mechanism.

To carry on the business of manufacturers, producers, importers, exporters, buyers, sellers, dealers, stockists, suppliers, wholesalers, distributors, retailers, and jobbers of solid fuel briquettes, pellets, cubes, charcoal fine and briquette activated carbon from agriculture, forest produce and compost from Municipal Solid Waste.
